Make Your Next Move
Whether you want to complete your high school diploma, move up in your career, or just learn something new, there’s a course for you at NOCE. Find a program that fits your goals and needs.

Basic Skills
We provide alternative, flexible pathways, and second chances to adult students who want to complete their high school education through the Basic Skills Program at North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE). It’s never too late! High school diploma and equivalency programs offer tuition-free, quality education to students seeking to complete their high school diploma.
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Career Technical Education
Get the career certificate you need to succeed in high-demand industries. Ready to take your job to the next level? Earn a certificate in our tuition-free Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs.
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Disability Support Services
NOCRC-supported Disability Support Services (DSS) at North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) provides support to adult students with disabilities so they can successfully transition to, participate in, and complete their post-secondary education. DSS offers a wide variety of support.
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English as a Second Language
At North Orange Continuing Education, learning English is a challenge that our students are dedicated to overcoming. That’s why we are committed to easing the transition into post-secondary education and the workplace for our English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship Program students with unique and powerful opportunities.
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K-12 Student Success
NOCRC’s K-12 Student Success Advisory Group provides education and training to parents/guardians, foster parents, educators, and professionals to help children thrive. We teach adults essential strategies for building successful relationships, based on the Love and Logic® curriculum.
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NOCRC Support Services
Seeing an academic counselor is good for students. Counselors can help you create your educational plans. We recommend that NOCE students see a counselor a minimum of three times.