What is the Executive Committee?
Each consortium member’s board-approved designee and/or their board-approved alternate attends every Executive Committee meeting to review, discuss, and vote on strategic proposals submitted by the NOCRC advisory groups.
Voting members have the authority to vote on strategies, proposals, budgets, and other items required by the grant or consortium protocols. They are expected to remain unbiased during the decision-making process and consider all advisory groups and strategies equal in importance.
Voting members should also have a working knowledge of CAEP outcomes and organizational budgets and are encouraged to connect with the CAEP Director if they require support in this area.
NOCRC Executive Committee Voting Members

Dominique Polchow
Principal, Parkview School
Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District

Araceli Chavez
Director, Curriculum and Instruction / Instructional Support Services
Anaheim Union High School District

Fatinah Judeh
CTE Coordinator, Educational Programs and Services
Orange County Department of Education

Cara Vienna
Assistant Principal Special Education, Counseling, & Technology
Los Alamitos Unified School District

Dr. Jennifer Pesavento
Administrator, Instructional Programs and Workability
North Orange County ROP

M’Liss Patterson
Director, Garden Grove Adult Education
Garden Grove Unified School District

Valentina Purtell
North Orange Continuing Education

Sandi Layana
Principal, La Vista High School
Fullerton Joint Union High School District
Executive Committee Board Alternates/Reps

Dr. Karen Bautista
Vice President, Instruction
North Orange Continuing Education

Kenny Perez
Community School Manager, District Program-Projects and Educational Services
Anaheim Union High School District

Dr. Michelle Owen
Assistant Superintendent,
Business Services
North Orange County ROP

Charlotte Dobyns
Special Education Teacher, Co-Department Chair Adult Transition Program
La Vista/La Sierra High Schools
Fullerton Joint Union High School District

Dr. José Ramón Núñez
Vice President of Instruction
Fullerton College